Hello there.
This is the first news post by me (and the last for a very long while, I should guess).
There isn't much to say really (I'm kind of tired right now), but let's just clear something up.
I am NOT a professional DeeJay who plays at parties and such. The name "Dj Opposite" is just something I came up with years ago and got stuck to it. I only wanted to tell the world that my music isn't "regular" music (or so I thought at the time). Instead of doing the exact same thing as the rest of the DeeJays out there, I wanted to do the exact opposite (hence "Dj Opposite"), even though I barely knew what a real DeeJay was at the time.
And since then, it's been "Dj Opposite". Nothing more, nothing less.
Anyways, enough about me.
I want to take this opportunity (that is, when I'm alive and able to spell correctly without fainting) and tell you this: I will probably upload about 2 songs/day (sometimes less).
If you know any song that you want remade (preferrably a video game song), just let me know and I will do my best. The result will come up here. I promise. Just send a PM.
Well, enough chatter for now. Back to the studio!
Yours sincerely
Dj Opposite